37 min read
25 Jan

Melasma is a condition that causes irregular patches of hyperpigmentation on the face. It's caused when the womanish sex hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate color- producing cells to produce redundant melanin when the skin is exposed to the sun. Melasma is more common in darker skin tones that naturally contain further of these color- producing cells similar as Asian and African American skin. There are a number of melasma treatments that aren't suitable for pregnant women and seeing as numerous melasma victims are indeed pregnant, safer treatment druthers are needed. However, consider these home remedies for Melasma, If you do not want to stay until after gestation for a cure.

Melasma Treatment in Dubai

For more information about Melasma and booking appointments, checkout Melasma Treatment in Dubai.

Melasma generally occurs in pregnant women when estrogen situations are high but it can also affect women taking oral contraceptives or hormone relief remedy.

Lemon Juice for Melasma Treatment:

Lemon juice has natural skin lightening parcels and is presumably the most popular natural skin lightening recommendation. Apply fresh bomb juice to the affected areas with a cotton ball each night and leave on the face for over to 20 twinkles before washing it off. For faster results you can do this twice a day but we sure to wash the bomb juice out and wear high factor sunscreen before going outside as bomb juice makes the skin redundant sensitive to the sun.

Melasma Treatment by Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has been used for thousands of times for numerous skin affections. The gel contained inside the thick leaves of the aloe vera factory hasanti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties. However, you can prize the gel from the leaves yourself, else you can buy 100 aloe vera gel online, If you have a factory. The gel can be applied to the face at night and also washed off in the morning. Continue treatment diligently for stylish results. Home remedies for melasma are effective and gentle but may take several months to show full results.

The most important thing when treating melasma is a good sun block or high- factor sunscreen. During gestation or hormone treatment, guarding your skin from the sun will help to help hormone- related hyperpigmentation.

Still, you can use skin lightening products or other treatments to reverse melasma, If you are no longer pregnant or your hyperpigmentation was caused by hormone drug and not gestation.

Laser Treatment of Melasma:

Chemical peels and Laser treatment in Dubai can be used to remove hyperpigmentation but the most popular treatment remains skin decolorizing products. There are a number of skin lightening treatments on the request that contain only natural constituents so you do not need to worry about potentially harming your skin.8

You do not have to live with your Melasma any longer! For further information on Melasma treatment and other skin treatments, visit us at Dynamic Clinic Dubai.

Read More : Why You Need a Holistic Approach With Melasma Treatment?

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