2 min read
23 Sep


Melasma is a common skin complaint characterized by gray-brown discolored patches of skin on areas of the face exposed to the sun.   Melasma can affect anyone, but it appears most frequently in women who have darker complexions. It’s been associated with womanish hormones. Melasma is also a common skin complaint for the following groups :

  • Women using birth control Capsules  
  • Pregnant women  menopausal 
  • Women using hormone relief remedy  

Checkout Melasma treatment in Dubai for further information.

Melasma’s symmetrical dark patches are brown to gray-brown in color. They can do on the

  • Forepart 
  • Cheeks 
  • Chin 
  • Nose 
  • Upper lip 

Melasma home remedies 

If your melasma is touched off by gestation or birth control capsules, it’s possible the discolored patches will fade on their own after the gestation or if you stop taking the capsules .

You might consider treating your melasma at home, however. Then are some common home remedies 

Aloe vera

A 2017 study on pregnant women with melasma set up using a topical, liposome- reprised aloe vera medication significantly bettered their melasma. 

Polypodium leucotomos

This is a fern native to Central and South America. It’s vended under the brand names Kalawalla and Heliocare. It’s also called calaguala and anapsos.

A 2014 review of literature set up orally taking Polypodium leucotomos can treat melasma. still, experimenters do n’t include a recommended lozenge. 

Tranexamic acid

According to a 2017 literature review, tranexamic acid is another promising oral remedy for melasma. This acid is a synthetic outgrowth of the amino acid lysine. 


This antioxidant comprises three amino acids( cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine). It’s set up in utmost mammals.

The same 2017 review set up that, when taken in an oral form, glutathione dropped melanin in people with melasma compared to those who took a placebo. An excess of melanin product can lead to hyperactive- saturation. 

Sun protection

Cover your skin. Wear sunscreen every day, and reapply every two hours. Consider wearing a wide- brimmed chapeau when you ’re outdoors. 

Melasma medical treatment 

Your croaker may relate you to a dermatologist. They can confirm a opinion and suggest medical treatments to indeed your skin tone. One option may be hydroquinone. This topical treats hyperactive- saturation. It’s available in tradition strength as a embrocation, gel, cream, or liquid. Other treatments may include :

  • tretinoin 
  • corticosteroids 
  • triadic cream( combination of hydroquinone, tretinoin, and a corticosteroid) 
  • azelaic acid 
  • kojic acid 

If topicals aren’t working, your dermatologist might recommend a procedure to treat your Melasma. 

  • Chemical peel 
  • Dermabrasion 
  • Microdermabrasion 
  • Laser treatment 
  • Light- grounded procedure 
  • Micro-needling 


You may have melasma if you have gray-brown patches of skin on your face. Your croaker can confirm a opinion and give treatment. Be patient during treatment. It frequently takes months before results are seen. And formerly your melasma clears, your croaker might recommend conservation remedy to help it from returning. No matter what treatment is the stylish option for you, flash back forestallment is crucial. Wear sunscreen every day and a wide- brimmed chapeau whenever you ’re outdoors.


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